would the Lord Of The Rings or The Departed or your favourite film be just as good with amazing no name actors? Would you go?
* I am the only person I know who abhorred the suprisingly unmagical unintriguing TLOTR triliogy - and if i hear the words "Mr. Frodo" just one more time i am going to pull my hair out!
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
My, my aren't we exaggerating it a bit today" Mr. Frodo" ?
In response to your question...people do go see movies with no millionaire celebrity actors in them quite often...they're called Independent Films which I'm certain you are aware of....I've never seen TLOTR trilogy .. TLOR was required reading in Grammar school and I hated the story then NEVER had any inclination to give it a second chance....Have a nice day baldy ! Mr. Frodo !!! OOPS...I said it again :)
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
Ditto... Report It
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
see the film The Departed! You are Damon i am Dicaprio! Report It
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
Actually I really like independant films. I don't go see a film just because I like the actors. It better have a good story line or I'm not spending the money.
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
I would love movies so much more if there wasn't all of the "top stars" in them.. it gets old after awhile i think... and i haven't gone to see a new film in a long time because of the fact that its always the same faces, just with a new hairdo or different colored contacts.... LOTR is a good trilogy, you just might not know all the history behind them if you feel this way, and having read the books makes the movies fun entertainment to watch the directors/actors portrayal, while it isn't completely correct, it still shows a persons imagination in the making....
But once again, I agree about the point you bring up with actors... do you have any recomendations?!
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
I mean,If they make more money,they have to be better actors right?
I'm sure that Lindsey lohan is probably making more
per movie than say, Malcolm McDowell.
So she must be a better actor right?
If movies don't cost 567,000,000,000,000,000,000
dollars with tons and tons and tons and tons of CGI
effects,well then,that CAN'T be good now can it?
I can't watch that!
I need explosions and mayhem with kung fu and naked women in body suits with samari swords.
And I want to see a car chase too.I must have
meteors hitting upper Manhattan and some giant
lizard that shoots lasers out of it's mouth.
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
I agree. I like watching independent films, and international ones. I don't really go for western movies because of it's celebrities or publicity. Some famous celebs can't really act (no offense). You watch a movie to enjoy yourself with its good story and good acting and not to go after the big names in the movie.
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
I probably still would go if the movie was good enough...although you know most of the actors in the LOTR trilogy were pretty much unkown beforehand except for Christopher Lee and whoever plays Gandalf...can't remember the actor off the top of my head...anyways yeah some of the actors are fairly big now like Viggo Mortenson and Orlando Bloom, but at the time LOTR was made they really weren't.
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
I love b-horror movies.Most of them don't have any stars that anyone would know.As for the person who said people would rather go see Lindsey Loen than Malcolm McDowell,remember A Clockwork Orange? Many people would still go see that movie before any movie with what's her name?
Would people go see movies with no millionaire big name celebrity actors in them?
Watch Indy films, low budget, new actors. I really didn't like those movies either, but my hubby and son do.
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